Louisville Bankruptcy Attorney

Nick Thompson

Getting Your Fresh Start Through Bankruptcy

A Fresh Start Through Bankruptcy

It’s so easy to get impulsive and overspend during the holiday season. But, it might be too late to simply get strict with your budget, work overtime, or add a part-time job while paying off your credit cards. In fact, it might not be enough to recover from post-holiday debts that are piling up. Perhaps it’s time to look into a fresh start through bankruptcy.

Getting Your Fresh Start Through Bankruptcy

If you find yourself with major financial issues, take a look at bankruptcy as a solution. Serious financial issues might include foreclosure, garnishments, tax debt, student loans, medical bills, credit card debt, or pay-day loans. In addition, your financial situation might be due to disability, divorce, or job loss. In some cases such as disability, you cannot cure the financial problems by working a few more hours of overtime. But what is important now is to get the right help and work towards “your fresh start through bankruptcy in 2020.”

Bankruptcy is a good option that allows you to “start over” and move on. Many people are afraid bankruptcy will ruin their credit but most often their credit score is already low because of late or missed payments. Others feel shame in filing bankruptcy. However, there is no shame, blame, or guilt for filing bankruptcy because you are taking the responsibility to face the problem.

Most people cause financial problems from these events by not properly managing their finances when they occur. This is often due to a lack of knowledge but also, many feel too much shame to file bankruptcy. However, if you’re facing anything like this, it’s time to call an attorney with the experience that you need for your situation. In other words, you must forget the blame and shame game. You must instead get down to business in a timely manner with a good attorney. This is how you will get your fresh start through bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy is a Solution

The problem is, without consulting with an attorney, you most likely won’t know that cashing in the retirement you need later is seldom a solution. In fact, cashing it in often causes more tax problems. Mortgaging the home also causes problems and often a foreclosure.

The thing is, if you don’t need to file bankruptcy, a good bankruptcy attorney will tell you. But if you do need to file bankruptcy, we help you plan bankruptcy and answer your questions and concerns. Again, blame, shame, guilt, and fear doesn’t cure the problem. Instead, do yourself a favor and talk to a professional to look at a long term solution. An attorney helps you assess your situation to ensure your fresh start through bankruptcy.

Together, we can analyze whether you need to file Chapter 7 to get rid of all your unsecured debt or a Chapter 13 in order to catch up past due mortgage payments and save your home. Filing either type of bankruptcy stops garnishments. But planning it right is important if you need to wait to file your bankruptcy. One reason to wait might be to eliminate tax debt. Or, perhaps you’ve transferred some property to a relative. Then, together we will determine how to make bankruptcy work best for you. We offer a free consultation but make sure you chose a capable attorney with the right experience to help you assess your needs. Remember, cheap advice almost always costs you more.

Bankruptcy is a difficult decision, but filing a bankruptcy may be your best bet to get the relief you need in 2020.

Resources for Bankruptcy

Louisville Kentucky Bankruptcy Forms

Bankruptcy Manual

Other Related Information

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and Student Loans

Your Fresh Start on a New Budget with Bankruptcy

Nick Thompson – Kentucky Foreclosure and Bankruptcy Attorney

Bankruptcy in Louisville Kentucky

If you are thinking about filing bankruptcy, don’t delay because timing is crucial. I am here to help you. So, contact my office right away to start the conversation. Nick C. Thompson, Bankruptcy Lawyer: 502-625-0905

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