Louisville Bankruptcy Attorney

Nick Thompson

What Can You Do or Not Do After Filing Bankruptcies

Man filing for bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy is a major decision that requires careful consideration. For those facing financial difficulties in Louisville, ky, bankruptcy can offer a chance to start over and get out of the burden of overwhelming debt. 

However, in order to fully take advantage of the fresh start that bankruptcy offers, it’s crucial to understand the actions that are both allowed and prohibited in the aftermath of filing for bankruptcy. 

Making informed decisions is key to navigating this complex process and restoring your financial life successfully.

Now, let’s have a look at what you can and do not do after filing for bankruptcy in Louisville, ky.

What Can You Do After Filing for Bankruptcy in Louisville, ky

Rebuild Credit

Filing for bankruptcy can be a daunting experience, but it also represents a chance to hit the reset button and start anew. 

One of the first steps in this journey is rebuilding your credit. Although bankruptcy can temporarily lower your credit score, don’t be discouraged! With a few smart moves, you can start to bounce back and establish a solid credit history once again.

Secured credit cards, responsible bill paying, and creating a budget to manage your finances are all key ways to start boosting your credit score. 

With persistence and dedication, you can transform your financial future and put yourself in a better position to obtain new loans down the road.

Obtain New Loans

Obtaining new loans after filing for bankruptcy is also possible, though it may be more difficult and come with higher interest rates. 

However, it is important to keep in mind that a person’s ability to obtain new loans will improve over time as they work to rebuild their credit.

Keep Property

It is also essential to understand what property can be kept after filing for bankruptcy in Louisville

In most cases, a person can keep their primary residence, personal property, and retirement accounts. 

However, some assets may need to be sold to pay off creditors. To ensure the protection of specific assets, it is essential to understand exemptions and how they apply to each individual case.

What You Cannot Do After Filing for Bankruptcy in Louisville, ky

Conceal Assets

It is illegal to conceal assets during the bankruptcy process in Louisville. This is considered a federal crime and can result in fines or imprisonment.

Hiding assets from the bankruptcy court can undermine the fairness of the bankruptcy process and negatively impact a person’s discharge.

Incur Debt with Intent to Discharge

Additionally, incurring debt to discharge through bankruptcy is illegal and can have severe consequences.

This is considered fraud and is a federal crime. It is important to avoid incurring new debt before and during bankruptcy.

Repeat the Bankruptcy Process Too Soon

Furthermore, the waiting period for filing for bankruptcy again should be taken into consideration. In Louisville, the waiting period will depend on the type of bankruptcy filed, either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13.

However, a  person must wait a certain amount of time before they are eligible to file for bankruptcy again, and it is important to understand these requirements to avoid any legal consequences.


In conclusion, understanding the actions allowed and prohibited after filing for bankruptcy in Louisville, ky, is essential for anyone considering this option. It is possible to rebuild credit, obtain new loans, keep the property, and avoid illegal actions after filing for bankruptcy in Louisville. However, it is important to seek the guidance of a bankruptcy attorney to ensure compliance with the law and maximize the benefits of filing for bankruptcy. If you are facing financial difficulties and considering filing for bankruptcy, I encourage you to contact me for a consultation.

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