Louisville Bankruptcy Attorney

Nick Thompson

Should I File Bankruptcy?

Should I File Bankruptcy?

If you’re asking yourself the question, “should I file bankruptcy?”, you’re in the right place. I invite you to continue reading to determine if bankruptcy is right for you.

Should I File Bankruptcy?

People file bankruptcy for a lot of good reasons. You will also find that large businesses do this regularly. However, for individual people, bankruptcy is anything but routine. In fact, for many, it brings up a lot of almost debilitating emotions and fears. So, filing bankruptcy is daunting for many but this is largely due to a lack of knowledge.

There are many good reasons to plan for the filing of a bankruptcy. Some businesses, especially large corporations, do this almost routinely. For individuals, however, bankruptcy is anything but routine. Moreover, to get the maximum benefit out of a case, it is necessary to consider the timing. In fact, timing is very important as it allows you and your attorney to plan your bankruptcy properly to achieve a successful filing.

First, take a minute to answer the questions below:

  • Are you unable to pay your bills because you lost your job, are experiencing a disability, or recovering from a serious illness or injury?
  • Are your mortgage payments behind and is foreclosure just around the corner?
  • Is a creditor garnishing your pay or bank account?
  • Do you have past due tax obligations or student loans?
  • Do you have so many debts you are unable to pay them and still have money for necessary items such as housing, food, gas, etc.?

If you answered YES to one or more of the questions listed above, then you may need to talk to a bankruptcy attorney with the right qualifications and experience.

Which Type of Bankruptcy is Best for Me?

⎆ Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

You may file Chapter 13 bankruptcy if you want to accomplish the following:

  • If you need to restructure or manage debt
  • Catch up past due house payments
  • Pay past-due taxes
  • Pay student loans

⎆ Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

You may file Chapter 7 bankruptcy to get rid of unsecured debt such as the following:

  • Credit cards
  • Medical debts
  • Payday loans

What Happens After You File Bankruptcy

Once you file bankruptcy, the proceedings against you stop temporarily and eliminate garnishments. In addition, harassment from bill collectors should stop and if it does not, you can file a contempt action against them for violating the order that prohibits them from contacting you after the bankruptcy files.

A good bankruptcy attorney with experience helps you decide which type of bankruptcy works best for your situation.

Resources for Bankruptcy

Louisville Kentucky Bankruptcy Forms

Bankruptcy Manual

Other Related Information

Rebuilding Credit after Bankruptcy

How Kentucky Foreclosure Works

How to Qualify for Chapter 7

Getting a Mortgage Loan After Bankruptcy

If you are thinking about filing bankruptcy, don’t delay because timing is crucial. I am here to help you. So, contact my office right away to start the conversation. Nick C. Thompson, Bankruptcy Lawyer: 502-625-0905

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