Performing Credit Repair after Bankruptcy • Video

Performing Credit Repair after Bankruptcy

You can get a good credit rating by performing credit repair after bankruptcy. In fact, after Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you can get credit cards, prime rate mortgages, and a life. Your credit will repair itself if you pay on time, and correct your credit report after filing bankruptcy. Future good credit comes from making loan […]

Best Chapter 7 13 Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys

Best Chapter 7 13 Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys

Listed below are, in my opinion, the best of the best Chapter 7 13 consumer bankruptcy attorneys for every state. No one paid for this recommendation. The law offices I list below are not the largest or the most profitable. Also, they might do 100 cases a year or even 1,000. But, they do it […]

Kentucky Student Loan Help

Kentucky Student Loan Help

If you’re looking for Kentucky Student Loan help, you are in the right place. Nick Thompson presented the webinar and contributed to the King Publications book used by lawyers to battle student loans. In fact, Nick was able to obtain a discharge of his student loans using his system. In our law practice, we meet many […]

Chapter 13 Step Plans & Chapter 20 Flexibility to Make a Plan Affordable

Chapter 13 Step Plans & Chapter 20 Flexibility to Make a Plan Affordable

Judges and trustees like the idea behind Chapter 13 which is using creativity to make a plan work. Chapter 13 step plans and Chapter 20 are just two tools that you can use to make a Chapter 13 plan affordable. For instance, a debtor might initially need lower payments. However, do you know that you […]

Common Chapter 13 Problems and Issues • Video

Common Chapter 13 Problems

Now that you’re well into your Chapter 13 bankruptcy and making your payments on time, there is still information you need to know about common Chapter 13 problems and issues that arise. You also need to know how to deal with these problems. Of course, it’s best to educate yourself as much as possible when […]

Finishing a Chapter 13 Plan and Getting a Complete Discharge

Finishing a Chapter 13 Plan And Getting a Complete Discharge

Without taking the debtor education class and filing the discharge form you are not finishing a Chapter 13 plan & getting a complete discharge. Once your plan payments are complete the debtor has to file and  request a discharge. Interestingly, the request for discharge is a simple one-page form that states the home address of […]