How to Calculate Chapter 13 Plan Payments • Video

How to Calculate Chapter 13 Plan Payments

Your Chapter 13 plan must calculate Chapter 13 plan payments that pay the secured and priority debts in full. The unsecured debts may be paid as low as 0%. If you properly include all your reasonable and necessary expenses this percentage is often well below 50%. We include items like 401k retirement expenses if you […]

Why Review a Chapter 13 Schedule of Allowed Claims?

Why review a Chapter 13 Schedule of Allowed Claims?

About 1-2 months after your 341 or confirmation hearing in the Western District of Kentucky your attorney must file a “Schedule of Allowed Claims”. However, we always require clients to look over claims together with us in advance of this filing. Unless you look over the claims with your attorney, it’s just a list of […]

Early Discharge for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy • Video

How to Strip a Kentucky Mechanic Lien in Bankruptcy

If a Debtor makes the majority of his plan payments in the Chapter 13 plan but can not continue to make payments due to no fault of his own, he may ask for an early or hardship Chapter 13 bankruptcy discharge.  The words Hardship Discharge just like inside the plan are not in the code. […]

The Financial Benefits of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy • Video

Should I File Bankruptcy?

The most important benefit of Chapter 13 bankruptcy is that it allows you to catch up on a mortgage or auto loan. First, the temporary court order that stops collections is the stay. Then, the protection of the stay stops collections and lasts for 3-5 years. During that time, it allows debtors the ability to […]

How to File Chapter 7 or 13 Bankruptcy Without an Attorney

How to file Chapter 7 or 13 Bankruptcy without an attorney

Filing a bankruptcy takes more than just filling out the forms. So how do you file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy without an attorney? First, perhaps some people read our book. Hopefully, they use the forms and attempt to file Chapter 7 if they have no assets and income. If the Trustee is helpful, […]

How Bankruptcy Affects Spouse, Job, Credit, and Cosigners • Video

How Bankruptcy Affects Spouse, Job, Credit, and Cosigners

Bankruptcy tends to save marriage jobs credit and cosigners. However, debt hurts these relationships. So, if you want to learn more about how bankruptcy affects spouse, job, credit, and cosigners. If you want to know how bankruptcy can save a marriage, protect a spouse or cosigner, prevent a job loss, and restore credit, it is […]